Conservation Committee Update - October 2024


Once again, FVTU will be assisting CT. DEEP fisheries in conducting native trout redd surveys on selected tributaries of the Farmington River. Spawning is beginning now and may run until early December. 

Volunteers are needed and will be assigned one or two streams to monitor throughout the spawning season. Visits should be every week or so if possible. This is a great opportunity to do some “blue line” explorations for future native trout fishing. (Please don’t harass any spawning fish, however!)

People conducting the surveys will use TU “REDD” form, which is within the Survey123 app, to pinpoint redd locations for DEEP. Here is a link to the TU App Guide for using Survey123 (redd_survey_app_guide.pdf ( App is to be used to pinpoint locations for DEEP The TU “RIVERS” app is also within the Survey 123 app and allows users to also document any observed issues within the watershed.

The video on the following link is quite helpful for redd identification/training (Trout Week | Using the TU Spawning Redd Survey Tool for Smartphones ( Brook Trout redds are somewhat difficult to observe when compared to Brown Trout redds because Brook Trout redds are typically smaller and less well defined. Here are some pics from last year’s survey:

                Reach out to Jim Buchok at 347-491-9301 for more information and stream assignments.


FVTU in conjunction with FRAA (Farmington River Anglers Association) has submitted a grant application to FRCC (Farmington River Coordinating Committee) for the procurement and installation of a water quality monitoring station. The station is a high-tech version of traditional temperature data loggers deployed by various organizations throughout the watershed over the years. 

The original loggers gathered and recorded data over long periods of time and the information was only made available when the loggers were retrieved and the data uploaded. The proposed water quality station is a real time monitor and recorder with full live internet access to assigned users. 

In addition to temperature, PH and conductivity sensors are also part of the system. Alerts and alarms for abnormal conditions can be set up and thresholds are user configurable. Sampling rates are also user configurable and data is historically archived. 

Volunteers will be needed for the actual installation.


Guides and anglers have observed a decline in aquatic insect hatches over the past several years. FVTU and FRAA have been having discussions with DEEP’s macro-invertebrate subject matter experts. We will be reviewing DEEPs’ historical sampling data and will continue to sample and monitor populations.


Jim Buchok and Tom Carpenter will soon resume the inspection of culverts in TU Priority Waters & DEEP cold water/native brook trout habitats. Inspections can be coordinated with redd surveys. FVTU members are encouraged to become involved. 


In conjunction with the National Park Service, TU regional and FRWA, some 500 trees are to be planted at the 13-acre Frey property on the Canton/New Hartford section of the Farmington River. The tree planting is slated for March of 2025.


FVTU members monitor the runoff into streams and brooks in the Farmington River Watershed after winter storms.  Consider monitoring one of the tributaries in your area.  Salt test kits will be available at the November meeting. 


Jim Buchok has been attending recent monthly national meetings. The group has been focused on western streams, but the focus will be shifting the eastern wild trout management in the future.


Throughout the year, DEEP, MDC, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have worked together to maintain the flow of the Upper Farmington River.  The flows have improved significantly this past summer over previous years.  The flows have been lower recently due to the lack of rain.

DEEP will be issuing a draft of their proposed water management plan for the Upper Farmington River in the near future.  FVTU will be reviewing the plan and providing DEEP with comments.  

Please reach out to Jim Buchok at 347-491-9301 or Tom Carpenter at 860-306-0933 for volunteer opportunities or more information.